Introducing the 2023 Atlantic Acting School Conservatory Actors.
On this page you will be introduced to Atlantic’s graduating Conservatory class through their headshots, monologues, resumes and personal websites. These actors have completed 2 rigorous years of professional training as part of our Certificate Program.
Now without further ado — The Atlantic Acting School is proud to present the Conservatory graduating class of 2023!
Meet the Actors

Ana Armenta

LJ Brodie

Emma Burnett

Eelisa Byrd

Travis Charron

Charlotte Flatley

Gus Gonzalez

Spoorti Hegde

Billy Luce Jr

Duran Arturo Lucio

Kerr McKinlay

Emily Morgan

Alec Pacheco

Linh Phung

Amaris Rivera-Fernandez

Nina Samaan

Austin Blake Sasser

Julie Spector


Sonya Tijerina

Allison Villaseñor